Hello Felt!
Threading the needle of your creativity.
Welcome, fellow creative beings! I am truly happy that you are here :o) We are going to take an exciting online needle felting journey together, one that is hopefully different than any other creative journey you have previously experienced. My love of color, paint and fiber plus my need for bringing calm into my everyday life has led me to an unique place, and I want to share my artistic world with you!
Please click on the video above to hear a bit more about the e-course, how it will work, and some of the exciting things you will learn in this e-course. (To make the video larger, simply click on the square corners in the lower right corner of the screen) I hope you will share this video with friends who may take the class with you. It's ever so much more fun to take an online class with a friend!
I have been teaching needle felting, painting, embroidery and sewing classes in the San Diego area for over 10 years. People tell me time and time again how relaxing, educational, and fun my classes are. The skills they learn are ones they can immediately apply to other avenues in their creative life, such as scrapbooking, adorning clothing, jewelry making, art making and more. Now is your chance to thread your needle of creativity anywhere in the world you reside through this multi-week online e-course adventure!
***COURSE UPDATE*** Please read down to the Q and A section to see that the course is being changed from a 4 week online intensive model to a "Pay as you go" model. This means you can buy only the lessons you wish to learn, and are not locked into buying the entire course. Plus, I will be offering 1-on-1 sessions! Just you and me, needle felting together. See the Q and A section for more details!
A supportive, informative and welcoming art class delivered right into your home, for you to access whenever your time permits.
Art lessons delivered straight to your inbox including video, downloadable patterns, prompts, and meditations.
Instruction suitable for both the beginning student, as well as a seasoned crafter. The course content is broken into separate classes, which you can purchase according to the class(es) you want to take, and includes instruction on the following topics:
3-D needle felts that can stand on their own
Flat needle felting suitable for clothing, or displaying as art
Crafting dimensional objects with needle felted details, such as plush toys or giftable lovies
Simple sewing projects
Embroidery as embellishment
Professionally prepared HD videos taken in my beautiful art studio.
An option for 1-on-1 class sessions with me.
Lasting meditative prompts you can use long after the course is finished to help prepare your mind for art, and allowing creativity to flow.
We will make shaped characters that can be turned into Woodland friends in this class!
Are you:
A craftaholic type, who can't seem to get enough art techniques in your artbox? You will definitely learn many new skills in this class!
You are drawn to anything "woolie", and find those shaped wool characters to be irresistible? (I totally understand, because that's me too!)
Would love to take up an art project, but do not have much space in which to work? Needle felting can literally be done on your lap!
Someone who has tried unsuccessfully to learn needle felting from those videos on YouTube? I will solve that dilemma in my thorough method of teaching, which includes me working side-by-side with a student who has never needle felted before. We also have the option to face-to-face video conference together. I am here to help you all the way!
Feeling a bit discombobulated in life, and think that focusing on an art project can help set you straight? Believe me, needle felting can do that, and more.
Then, this class is for you!
We will make simple patterns that can be turned into loveable plush toys.
Hi, I'm Val, and I will be your felting guide during our class time together. I created Hello Felt, the e-course, as a response to many online inquiries I received during the past several years of reaching out and making my art available to the public in many forms: online art classes I participated in, magazines featuring my art and craft, shows and events I've participated in, and people who have shared my work with friends and family.
I have a BA in Fine Art, with a Painting emphasis, but became discouraged by my attempts in getting my paintings "out there" and recognized. I have always had a love for fiber, sewing and knitting. Once I learned the art of needle felting, I had one of those big "Ah-ha" moments where all my loves rolled into one big fiber filled adventure! Art and painting + sewing and needle work + inventive crafting = Hello Felt!
Needle felting is a tool I have used to center myself, as I have navigated the pitfalls of raising my sons, one who we learned at age 16 has a partial complex seizure disorder in his brain. Creative problem solving has best been utilized while my hands are busy creating art. Honestly, I know I must be an undiagnosed ADD artist, but the important piece in all of this is finding one's way through the many challenges life has to offer. For me, art, and particularly needle felting, with it's calming, rhythmic methodology of sculpting and artfully shaping wool has honestly been life saving. For, I know in my heart that my son would not be with us today if it weren't for my busy hands and creative brain. Along with being the number one advocate for my son and family, the art I make is a beautiful outcome of all that and more. It makes me feel truly blessed.
I look forward to meeting you, and getting to know you in our class time together. We are going to have so much fun!
I've never taken an e-course before, and I'm not sure how it works? Do I have to be in front of my computer at a certain time of the day? Is the class "live"? The course is formatted to be a purchase-as-you-go course, which means you can buy only the segments you want to learn. Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email detailing how to access your new course material. Your class will be open to you via a password protected website, which you can access any time that is convenient to you, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The classroom will be open indefinitely after the start date, so please do not fear if you have to be away from your computer for a week or so during the class. You can pick back up where you left off at any time, and will not miss a thing.
What sort of tools or materials will I need in order to participate? As part of your class purchase, you will receive a downloadable printable with all the supplies you will need to accomplish the class project. I share every tool and art supply I use, and tell you exactly where you can buy them. I make an online store available to you where I have "stocked" all my favorite tools, in case you can't locate them at your local craft store. I instruct you on how to properly use the tools, care for them, and give you some shortcuts so you don't feel like you need to buy every tool in the needle felting aisle! I also share my resources for ordering wool from my very favorite farms, and handmade artisans who dye and spin their own wool.
How is the course content delivered? Is it only "high speed streaming video"? Each class will specify the method of teaching I use. Some will be written patterns, and others will be more involved multi-step lessons delivered with high speed streaming video. If you can watch the video at the top of this page, then your computer should be fine. **Please note, I cannot offer a refund if your computer cannot see the videos due to a slow speed internet connection. Please consider this before you sign up for an individual class that is delivered using high speed streaming video.
How do I know if my computer can see "high speed streaming video"? If you can watch the video at the top of this page, then your computer will be fine. Please note, I cannot offer a refund if your computer cannot see the videos due to a slow speed internet connection. Please consider this before you sign up to take the course.
Can I access the class materials on my tablet? My smartphone? I would not recommend using a smart phone to watch the videos, but I'm sure it can be done. A tablet will work fine as well. Please make sure your internet connection will allow you to view the video (top of this page) on the device you wish to use for the class.
When will I need to pay for the class? This is the simple part! Classes will be pay as you go, and you will only need to pay for the content that interests you. Easy peasy!
When will the class(es) be available for purchase? NOW! (Yay!)
Where can I purchase the class lessons? Right HERE, right NOW! Scroll down to choose the option you wish to purchase, and buy directly from this page using PayPal, the safe and secure way to purchase online. Alternately, you may purchase directly from my online Etsy shop by visiting the link here, and selecting the course you wish to purchase.
I've never bought anything on Etsy or using PayPal before. Will this be a challenge to me? Both Etsy and PayPal have the option of using your credit card of choice, with simple instructions on how to navigate this type of payment procedure. If you have any bit of trouble, or do not wish to use the Etsy site or PayPal for purchasing a class or kit, I am happy to work out a different payment method for you. Please email me (ValsArt AT me.com), and let me know what your preference is. I am also happy to email you a direct link that you can pay from.
How much will each class lesson cost? I will offer the beginning needle felting lessons including video instructions for approximately $25.00, a necessary start if you have never needle felted before. More advanced classes that include video instruction (the lessons I have prepared for my online e-course) will be available for approximately $45.00 - which BTW, is an AWESOME DEAL! The advanced courses include the beginning lessons. Just so you have a comparison, my in-person lessons generally last 3-4 hours and average anywhere from $45 - 85.00 PER CLASS. So, an entire class offering multiple lessons are a deal! Additionally, my goal is to offer project patterns for under $10 where you provide all the materials and tools. I also plan to sell kits supplying all the materials for the kit project. These prices will vary from approximately $12 and up depending upon the complexity of the project. (Coming soon to my online Etsy shop!)
When will I be able to access the Hello Felt classroom? Will it be immediately? Or, must I wait a bit? **UPDATE: The courses are NOW LIVE! So, once you purchase a class you will receive your classroom access within 24 - 48 hours of your purchase! Yay!
What class options are there? How can I find out more about this? The easiest way to see the class offerings is to visit my Etsy shop for a full description of each class. To make it easy for you, here are the direct links:
The WHOLE PACKAGE of Hello Felt CLASSES for the SPECIAL PRICING of $175.00 - Class info is HERE
If you wish to focus only on 3-D CHARACTER NEEDLE FELTS, this class is $65.00, class info is HERE *Please Note: beginner instruction IS INCLUDED in this class!
If you wish to focus only on FLAT Needle Felting onto CLOTHING or Creating ART, an INFO PACKED class for $95.00, class info is HERE *Please Note: beginner instruction IS INCLUDED in this course!
There is an INTRO to Needle Felting BASICS Class that can be purchased for $25.00, and is also included in all THREE of the Class options listed above. Please scroll down to purchase this option, or HERE if you wish to purchase from my Etsy shop.
How long will I have access to the course material after I purchase it? You will have UNLIMITED access to the material after your purchase. (Please know that I have not turned off the class access to any participants, so you will be able to revisit the classroom whenever your heart - and schedule allow it!)
You talked about an option for a 1-on-1 session with you. How do I take advantage of this, and specifically how will this meeting take place? You will be able to purchase a 1-on-1 session with me that will last approximately 20-25 minutes. These sessions will be available for purchase here (See below) or from my Etsy shop, HERE. The session will be conducted in front of your computer in the comfort of your own home or office. We will use a Skype format or iChat to work together. Even though I will not be able to physically touch your work, I will be able to look at your progress over the computer screen, can help you to correct any problems you are having and get you quickly back on the right track. It's just like we are sitting together and needle felting side by side!
The SKYPE or iChat session is available to purchase, which offers you a 20-25 private online session with me for only $25.00. Scroll down to take advantage of this option, or click HERE to purchase on Etsy!
Will I be able to take this class on my computer if I use a PC? (I don't use Apple computer products) Yes, of course! The classroom is accessible to you, no matter what sort of computer system you have. The password protected website pages will work for you, no problem. And all the videos are saved through the Vimeo site, which means you will be able to view the videos no matter what your computer is. Remember, if you can view the video at the top of this page, you will have no trouble accessing the videos in the classroom and being able to watch them.
Can this class be given as a gift? Of course! Just send me an email (ValsArt@me.com) and I will create a special downloadable gift certificate for you to present as a gift... making it as easy as pie for you to give this course as a gift!
I saw something so cute that you made, and I want to learn how to make it. Will you accept class suggestions? I always welcome suggestions, and for suggestions that are possible, I will make that content into a class.
Would this class be a suitable gift for my daughter/niece/youngster? They love learning new crafts. I tell people this class is best suited for careful youngsters over 10 years old. The needles are VERY sharp, and can frighten a youngster who might be squeemish about pricking their finger and possibly drawing a dot of blood. Also, needle felting takes patience and time to create the desired outcome. If your youngster is very careful, and doesn't get bored quickly, it should be fine. At my local classes, I love teaching moms WITH their youngsters. That way you can help them when and if they need it.
Is this class refundable if I change my mind after I purchase it? No, it is not. Due to the nature of the e-course (once you pay for it, you have access to the classroom), all sales are final.
I have another question that you haven't answered :o( Have no fear! Simply shoot me an email at ValsArt@me.com, and I will answer it right away!
"Fabulous course. Val is so helpful and answered my questions asap even before I signed up for the class. The online videos are very detailed and informative. Just need to find the time to do the projects! πππ" - Traceyann
"Val loves felting! This is evident the first time a person meets her because her enthusiasm radiates. To describe Valβs class requires many adjectives. She is a brilliant teacher with a warmth in her voice that makes a person want to learn all she has to teach. Besides being very organized and precise, her appealing choice of words encourages a student to follow her directions. For me, the best part is that she models each technique which makes me want to keep coming back or take the class on video. Thanks Val." -Bonnie
"I loved the class, and I can't wait to do more needle felting! I was excited when I signed up for the class, for I had never done needle felting before. I craft a lot of things, and have always loved the look of needle felted figures. Now I feel like I can create some of my own, and have ideas to continue adding this craft to what I make!" -Alicia
"Your teaching style really spoke to me. You are patient, and really know your craft. When my needle felting got "off course", you were calm and helped me get back on track. Thank you for a wonderful class!" - Sandy
"I love the variety of your lessons, Val! You always seem to be able to come up with the most imaginative class projects and explain them so well. I am going to sign up for your next class right NOW!" - Simone
"Who knew this would be so relaxing? I am in love with this new craft. Thanks so much, Val!" - Terrie
Are you ALL READY to get started with the amazing craft of Needle Felting, and wish to take advantage of the Special rate of $175.00 TOTAL for 4 weeks worth of content-rich online lessons? Yay! You are going to LOVE ALL THIS CLASS HAS TO OFFER! And at such an great price for OVER 4 HOURS of videos, who can resist?! Simply click the Buy Now button (Directly BELOW) and you will be able to check out with PayPal.
If you prefer to purchase through my Etsy shop, simply click HERE to go to a list of the Classes on my shop page, and you will be able to purchase the course, and receive the Materials List as an immediate download!
Entire Course Special for $175.00 TOTAL for 4 weeks worth of lessons
Do you ONLY want to learn about the BASICS of Needle Felting? If so, simply click the Buy Now button (BELOW) and you will be able to check out with the $25.00 INTRODUCTION and BASICS CLASS via PayPal.
Introduction and Basics of Needle Felting CLASS for $25.00
Do you ONLY want to learn about making darling 3-D Character Needle Felts? If so, simply click the Buy Now button (BELOW) and you will be able to check out with the $65.00 3-D Needle Felts CLASS via PayPal. (*INCLUDES the content from the Basics of Needle Felting Class)
3-D Character Needle Felts CLASS for $65.00

Do you ONLY want to learn about making FLAT Needle Felting on clothing, to use as art, or similar? If so, simply click the Buy Now button (BELOW) and you will be able to check out with the $95.00 Needle Felts CLASS via PayPal. (*INCLUDES the content from the Basics of Needle Felting Class)
Flat Needle Felting CLASS for $95.00
Would you like to purchase a $25.00 SKYPE Session for a 20-25 minute 1-on-1 lesson with me? If so, click the Buy Now button below. I will send you an email within 48 hours so we can schedule a mutually convenient day and time for our private session.
Private 1-on-1 SKYPE Session with Val for $25.00
Still on the fence? No problem! Please make sure you are signed up for my newsletter, so you get Hello Felt deals, steals, information and more delivered straight to your inbox!
Outtakes and Bloopers video.
Silly, I know, but I think you might enjoy it. It's all the real me over here :o)